
Flea Market Find: Glitter Golden Girls Dress

New Dress A Day - vintage glitter dress

New Dress A Day - vintage glitter dress

I came across a total winner this weekend in my shopping excursions. Let's say that this one is something that Blanche Devereux would most definitely wear. And for $1, I couldn't resist. I will become a Golden Girl. :) f

Thoughts, friends?

Also, the glittery bits all over the dress are actual glued clumps of glitter! So one must be careful with the taking on and off of this dress because those clumps of glitter hurt when rubbed against one's body. Let's just say I have a few scratches thanks so these shimmery pals.

But, I've got some plans for this before I wear it Saturday night!

Labor Day Whites!

You guys...I have a BIG question to pose. Whites after Labor Day - yay or nay?! This dress has some severe spot action.

New Dress A Day - vintage white dress

All those spots will be tackled, but what are your thoughts on the color?

New Dress A Day - vintage white dress

Do we break the Labor Day rules or do we go with a new shade of color?? Let me know your thoughts below! Happy Labor Day weekend!