Tune in to Good Morning America Today!

Sooooooo, I'm in NYC for a segment on Good Morning America today to craft a seasonal DIY project! Anyone else suffer from ALWAYS BEING COLD like I do? ❄️😳❄️

I'll show you the easiest hack and you'll be a master hand-warmer-maker in less than a minute using things you already have!🔥

Good Morning America with New Dress A Day

Good Morning America with New Dress A Day

Tune in during the 8am hour and check it out for yourself! Plus I'll be wearing something that I just finished making which will make its way to the blog shortly.

Remake: Metallic Dress Teaser // En Route to NYC!

Hey friends! I'm writing this from the Delta terminal at LAX getting ready to head to NY for something super exciting. Seriously...

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

...how meta is this :)

Anyway, my quick trip to the East Coast just might have me watchable on your television at some point between 7-9am Wednesday morning, on a channel run by a mouse. 🐭 I get the official "ok to share" later today and will send out a blog blast.

But, I found this fabulous dress at a neighbor's estate sale and I just couldn't resist! She sold it to me for $10 and I happily accepted the offer. (Also, it might look super fun on camera so you guys get the sneak peek!)

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

The gown is super thick with a gorgeous rhinestoned neck which, to be honest, was nailing it on the choking factor. Breathing was a tad bit difficult when the piece was completely zipped up.

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

But the colors and textured design had me immediately wanting to make this my own.

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

New Dress A Day - Metallic Dress

I brought the thread and needle with me, so there's probably going to be some sewing going on. And being that I'm stuck in the middle of the row, I hope my aisle and window neighbors don't mind a sleeve or two flopping about.

Remake: Pink Striped Dress

Hello friends! I've got another remake for you today :) Apologies for the delays - a bigger post is to come to discuss, but thanks for all your emails and patience! There's a brand new site coming your way as well, with a fun little project to boot, all which will be shared shortly! LA can be 80 degrees one day and 62 another - this dress was worn on one of those warm wintery days here! ❄️☀️

I just loved this striped mix of colors!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

It was a bit too big...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

...but those pleats made me SO happy!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

I knew there was room to make this outfit work!

First off, I LOVE that the brand is secretly printed on this dress! It was something that I didn't even notice until I started working on it. Subliminal messaging at its finest, La moda Goji.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

I began with removing the sleeves and the shoulder pads. Because of the cool pleats at the shoulder, taking off the sleeve gave the piece a cool cap-style look.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

The other sleeve came off next...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

...and it was time to stitch the edges up.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

With the top of the dress pretty much good to go, it was now getting the rest of it to fit! I toyed with the idea of taking it in, but after playing around with belt options, it was easier just to cinch!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

A little vintage navy belt action saves the day!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

The pleats feel super Marilyn Monroe to me.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

After walking in my hood, I found some flowers that matched my look!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

Nothing like bright reddish/pinks to make it feel like summer in December!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

It's a fun date night look...

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

...that was perfect to wear to a cooking class!! I just removed those heels though...brought my Toms with me, as closed toe shoes make the most sense in a kitchen environment filled with sharp knives and tasting spoons holding hot curry sauce.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

I love this transformation. Super sleek and simple, but a piece I'd wear to anything!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress

New Dress A Day - Vintage Pink Dress