Day 24. 341 days and $337 left to go.

Today's find is one that doesn't really need a before and after, but what the hay...will throw it up there for you anyway. It's been a festive weekend, so I'm having a 'sellout Sunday'. Easy, breezy, tee-zy today.

Before-ish (Close Up!)
Before-ish (Close Up!)

Being that Los Angeles was hot ball of 75 degree ridiculousness this afternoon (I still have troubles wrapping my brain around these warm December temps, it still doesn't make sense to me even though I've been here for a long, long time) while the rest of the country was snowed in, I felt the need to show some love to my East Coast roots. Secretly I wouldn't mind throwing on the North Face jacket and snow boots, but all that I could do from LA was wear a T from a Rhode Island restaurant with a lobstah on it.

Day 24 - After
Day 24 - After

Safe travels to all my East Coast bound friends! Enjoy some seafood chowdah for me!