Day 25. 340 days and $336 left to go.

As Blizzard Watch 2009 continues on the Eastern Seaboard, all I can do is watch The Weather Channel, see all the people having fun sledding in Central Park, and throw on something short-sleeved to revel in the 70 degree climate. So, choice of ensemble today was totally a dress.

Day 25 - Before
Day 25 - Before

To be honest with you, I couldn't quite tell what article of clothing this originally was. Slightly nightgowny (but do you need a belt to accompany a nightgown?) and slightly housedressy (I could see someone vacuuming in this if it were 1969) - neither potential involves anybody leaving the house, which is the one thing I can successfully deduce was never done just by looking at it.

Seeing that it was rather large and slightly frumpsters, I knew the work involved on this puppy would be worth it in the end. I took in the sleeves, bust, and hips and shortened it to produce something totally "leave the house-able".

Day 25 - After
Day 25 - After

And that's exactly what I did. I left the house and met up with my girlfriends to enjoy a fun dinner. Truffle oil, Champagne splits, and dark chocolate covered shortbread cookies, oh my. We shared some stories, like ladies do, however I am not at liberty to share at this time. What I can leave you with is this...and do what you will with it. Wearing a mermaid costume is never a good idea.