Royals Week: The Big Day

OK, it's true...I stayed up for the wedding. That's not PM...

I mean I'm usually up pretty late anyway, so I figured that I could watch and blog at the same time.  Plus it was amazing to see all the fascinators in the crowd as well as everyone gesturing to each other when Elton John arrived :)

I must say, I loved this...

Classically beautiful!

Kate's Alexander McQueen dress was simply beautiful - loved the lace and the dainty tiara.  I'm not a tiara gal, but hers is pretty special.  Plus it's real (hello, Cartier), so that's kind of awesome.

I loved the moment when William said 'beautiful' to his soon-to-be-bride!  I'm a total sucker/romantic...


...and the overhead shot was incredible.

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Time to sleep for a bit...another post will come tonight!!