Now that the royal wedding has come and gone, Wills and Kate are the new Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Kate has been crowned! Today's piece celebrates that!!
Hello sash-tastic 'royal' blue dress!!
Loved that sequined applique, but didn't love that sash attached!
We're gonna take that off and get this piece looking a little more put together.
The seam ripper came out and I began to take the sash off at the shoulder...
Got the top part removed and PS, this sash will most definitely be repurposed into something fabulous soon.
I grabbed the seam ripper again and started to remove the other end of the sash at the waist.
The full sash has been removed!! I'm not going for Miss America today, but I'll have that day soon - maybe I'll even have a tiara to wear when I reuse it!
Just a few snips of the dress and my outfit was ready to go!! Paired with my striped trousers, my red beads and my vintage crown beaded belt, it was party time!!
Kate got crowned and so did I!!
Got together with some friends to cheer on the nuptials and pretend we were in the UK instead of the US.
I mean I tried to go with the UK colors and faux accents may or may not have been used...
Kate was in McQueen heels...
...and I was in my vintage Anne Klein ones...
Yay for Royals Week!!