161 Days to Go: Thursday Giveaway!!

If I could title today, it would be Marisa and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.


Marisa is laying down on the dentist's chair for her basic cleaning.  There is a dental hygienist looking through Marisa's file.

HYGIENIST: (stretching)

I'm sore from starting up kickboxing again.  Oh, and the basic clean you scheduled is now going be a deep clean because you waited a year in-between visits.  Have you heard of 'The Cavinator?" Get ready because you're going to get a facial from all the splattering water!

Marisa trembles with fear and you can tell her mind is racing.


Gulp.  I hate facials.

This photo I'm sharing is one of the most unattractive shots I've ever seen of myself (sneaky iPhone photo in-between quadrant scaling, laying down on the dentist's chair, while the really nice, in post-workout mode, hygienist was refilling "the cavinator".  Yes, "the cavinator" exists - it wasn't just for my faux movie scene.  I had to share because A, we're close pals and B, I hope none of you have to experience the toothal pain I felt today.

New Dress A Day at the Dentist

I tend to floss less regularly than I should.  I tend to fall asleep on my couch blogging and then drag myself to my bed at 3am and skip flossing for a brushing when that happens.  After today, that will never be an excuse.  I'm ordering a Waterpik and am going to be on a flossing rampage.  Queen of floss?  That has a ring to it!

Because today hurt my face and I've only had liquids and the toppings from a frozen pizza, I'm going to do a giveaway!!  I figured this would make others happier than I am at this moment - and for the next 24 hours per my hygienist - offering up a final batch of fabric samples, some Velcro, and a little travel-friendly sewing kit!!

New Dress A Day - Giveaway - Fabric Samples - Velcro - Sewing Supplies

Let's just say that today's events have given me a new lease on being appointment diligent.  Planning future visits - already in the books because I'm not allowing my teeth to play another mean joke on me.  Do you guys have one of these?  Share with me a mean joke/frustrating moment/your Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day in the comments below to win the goodies. A random winner will be chosen next week.  (Congrats to Blair Burnette for winning last week's goodies!)

Back on the saddle sewing machine tomorrow and lesson of the day...