This was another potential book outfit that had a before shot taken, but didn't end up getting used. I had been waiting for a warm enough day to make tweaks and rock it out!
I loved the multi-pastel rainbow stripes on this dress when I first saw it. The rest of it...well, not so much.
I decided to go with the pattern on the knit and follow the stripes when I chose how I was going to adjust this piece!
First, the sleeves got trimmed off!
Next came that following of the stripes business I just mentioned. I followed the stripes and trimmed off a V-shaped section, leaving enough material to fold under and craft a new seam. I'm making this a total V-neck piece!
I took in the body about two inches on each side, and pinned down the neck using the blue stripe right below the thick white stripe that I cut as my guide! I also folded down the back (horizontal fold/line across) and pinned that in place too. It's gonna be halter time soon!!
Everything got the sew treatment next...
...and then I pinned/sewed melon-y, satin ribbon straps to the end of the two top pieces to tie 'round me neck!
My dress was finally finished! I added a thick copper belt at the waist and some wedges - I was totally channeling Marisa circa 1977. It was the perfect Sunday ensemble to catch up with some amazing NY friends while they were town...
...and to have shirtless waiters bring us chicken nachos with party jamz (yes, with a z) pumping in the background!
The halter from the back looked like this...
Even though it was knit, it was slinky enough to keep me cool on this super warm Sunday.
If the weekend only lasted longer...
I hope everyone had a most enjoyable weekend!