82 Days to Go: Copycat - ASOS

New Dress A Day - DIY - ASOS Copycat I fell in love with this ASOS dress when I first saw it featured in a Teen Vogue spread.  I was totally into the colors...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Teen Vogue - 82

...but I think I was even more into the texture of the piece with what looked like a tie dye of sorts.  I had the perfect piece to use for this DIY...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Before Dress - 82.JPG

...a dress that was shot for the book but didn't end up getting used!

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Jazz Hands - 82.JPG

There were lots of these discolorations on the piece...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Yellowing Fabric - 82.JPG

...so it really was the perfect candidate to try this ASOS lookalike out!

To recreate the color distribution and texture of the ASOS dress, I decided to rubber band sections of the piece.  I scattered out my banding and just took a handful of fabric and wrapped rubber bands around it.  No real rhyme or reason to the placement.

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Banded - 82.JPG

Once everything was rubber banded, I picked out cans of Simply Spray soft fabric paint that matched the shades in the ASOS piece - pink, turquoise, light blue, lilac, and a spring green...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Simply Spray - 82.JPG

...and started to lightly spray the garment.

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Graffiti Time - 82.JPG

I got the first few sprays of pink paint down...

 New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Simply Spray Pink Coat- 82.JPG

Then headed onto a few more colors...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Multicolored Coats - 82.JPG

I turned the dress over and did the same thing to the back.  Reading the Simply Spray directions, they mention putting something in-between the dress layers so the paint doesn't seep through from the front to the back, however that was just the look I was going for.  Also, these paints are a little looser and spread out when they hit the fabric - a bit similar to a fabric dye actually.  I kept grabbing different color sprays and adding where I thought more color was needed.  It was a process because there always seemed to be areas that needed a little more color!

I let my piece sit dry in the grass that also got painted...

(PS, put down newspaper or a tarp if you want to avoid spraying your backyard, concrete, driveway - I used my parents yard and they said not to worry because a trim was coming up soon!)

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Project Remnants - 82.JPG

...and then removed the rubber bands.

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Rubber Bands - 82New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Rubber Bands - 82

Once the bands came off, I sprayed some colors a few more times just to cover up some of the bigger patches of white spaces, and then let the piece hang to fully dry for a day.

After the paint/drying part of the process was complete, I went to the length next.  I wanted something just a bit shorter, perfect for an afternoon wedding!

I decided to use the area where the side slits ended, as a guide where to cut.

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This will give a length right at the knees!

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Trimmed Length - 82.JPG

I pinned the raw edged bottom...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Pinned Hem - 82.JPG

...and sewed it in place.

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Sewing Machine - 82.JPG

Afternoon wedding, here I come!!  (PS, because of the texture on the ASOS dress, I chose not to iron the areas where the rubber bands were - I think it added to the similarity between the two pieces!!)

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - BCBG Heels - 82

I have to say, I'm loving this dress!!

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Villains Shuffleboard - 82.JPG

The colors matched the wall of glassware at the celebratory venue - the amazing Villains Tavern in LA.

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Bottle & Cans - 82.JPG

We celebrated with the bride...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Blushing Bride - 82.JPG

...during the "guest officiated" ceremony.

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Robot Love - 82.JPG

We read and they smiled, nodded, and "I Do'ed" before clinking glasses of whiskey to solidify the deal!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - KTMel - 82

Today was the celebratory party - they got married/hitched/civil ceremonied a few months ago!

Post-ceremony we had tacos, grilled cheeses, and these puppies...

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Boozy Sno Cones - 82.JPG

I went with a delish mango-tequila concoction which couldn't have been more refreshing in the sun!!

LP and I snagged the bride for a few shots...

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...before she went back to her adoring fans.

 New Dress A Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - Triple Threat - 82

Such a wonderful day to fete KT & M!!  Nothing like kicking up one's heels to cheer on two amazing people!

New Dress a Day - DIY - Vintage Dress - ASOS Copycat - After Shot - 82

Hope everyone had a most lovely weekend!