Remake: Floral Pleated Dress Part II

Today's piece is one that I've used already!!  Back on July 12, 2012, I made this sheer-ish crepe dress... New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

...into this lovely skirt!  (For a full post refresher, click HERE!)

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

I was left with this top portion...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

...that I finally got around to working on today!  I love playing around with the leftovers and this piece is finally seeing its sequel today, a full year and a half later!  I mean, totally typical for sequels.  The Hunger Games and I were on a similar release track :)

I'm actually keeping it as a crop top. I know, I know (SHOCKER), who knew I'd be into crop tops again post-1995??  Not a big fan of midriff showing, but I had plans.  I pulled a few options out of my ribbon stash in colors that matched the flowers on the piece...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

...and decided that I would line the edge of the top with one of them.  Not only will the ribbon hide the frayed edging, it'll bring out more of the color.  I went with the satin mustard shade...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

...and pinned the trim around the bottom of the shirt.

I stitched it in place...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

...and had a chic new top to wear!!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

I paired it with a red camisole underneath to A, make me less self-conscious about the cropped nature and B, to help with the sheerness.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

A pair of dark Forever 21 skinnies, my Target leopard flats (PS - they're on sale here for $12 now!! I think I might grab a backup pair to wear when these are totally worn out) and a vintage Harve Bernard mustard cape (best purchase ever) rounded out the ensemble.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

I love how light and floaty the top is - it's really such a cute piece to toss on top of anything.  Hey gym tank...guess what's going on top of you to hide those not so cute spots??

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

I finally just saw The Incredibles (I mean, how did I miss it for 10 years??) and have only been pretending to be a super hero for the past few days.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

I know I'm in a cape which is a no-no...

...however it made me feel like a chic tough cookie.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage

One who's ready to join the live action remake of Clue.  Looks like Colonel Mustard just got cast as a female.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Floral Sheer Dress - Vintage