Le Pirate Beach Club

Bali Week: Patterned Tunic Remake

I'm back in the states after a most incredible excursion to Asia. The two weeks were packed full of activities, small day trips within Bali, flights to Thailand, and lots of food, photos, and fun. (Had to get the "f" alliteration in there!) I'm in serious jet lag mode, but couldn't be happier to have it because the trip was just one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It was my first venture to Asia and I can't wait to return. This week will be a fun recap of what I did and what I made while I was away! Thanks to all of you for your patience in my lack of posts over the two weeks - I had a bunch of things that were scheduled in advance and ran, however my internet connection wasn't always top-notch in some of the places that I was staying. This week will be chock full of awesome remakes and DIYs as I was crafting all along the way! (Here's a few teaser shots on Instagram!)

Today's piece was this awesome patterned tunic that I scored at a swap party before I left on my trip.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

I loved the purple and white color combo with the rust trim around the arms and neck...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

...but knew that I wouldn't ever wear it being as long as it was with the high, open sides.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

The cotton was so thin that I knew it would make a perfect piece to bring along with me.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

Time to get rid of that extra fabric and turn this piece into something that I won't want to take off!

I started by cutting the piece shorter, trimming about two inches below where the side seam began.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

With the piece trimmed, I pinned under the raw edge of the fabric...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

...and ironed it down to fully prep for a new hem to be sewn.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

I stitched the bottom of the piece...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled

...and was left with the perfect cover up for my trip!

I wore it when I took a weekend trip to Nusa Lembongan/Ceningan, two small islands just off the south-east coast of the main island of Bali. (I'm jumping ahead a little on my trip, but we'll backtrack this week so you'll see everywhere that I went!)

While on Ceningan, I stayed at the most charming hotel - Le Pirate Beach Club, which was actually made up of 10 little "beachboxes" right on the water.


New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

The colors couldn't have been more inspiring! Who doesn't want a little teal in their lives? It was a great spot to wear my newly transformed piece on top of my bathing suit!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

I was wearing and reapplying sunscreen the entire time, but right at the hottest point of the day (the noon-2 pm time frame was the most brutal) I put on this top for some extra shoulder coverage.

Oh, and I had a friend visit me at this time too...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

There were roosters everywhere on the island and they acted as the most amazing natural alarm clocks. I was trying to make as many sunrises as possible during the trip, and the roosters were quite helpful on this leg. If you weren't looking to wake up at 5:30am, this probably wouldn't have been the best spot to stay, unless you're the hardest sleeper in the world!

Each beachbox was named something different...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

...and being right on the water, I was so surprised to see that this area is also where seaweed gets farmed. The tide goes in and out twice a day, so at low tide, it looks like this...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

...and at high tide, it looks like the shot below. It was really such an incredible scene.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

When I was up at sunrise, I got to see all of the farmers out in the sea with their flashlights gathering seaweed as well - early risers get the first worm basket of seaweed!

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

Oh and that's an infinity pool on the edge of the property. Yeah, my first time in an infinity pool, and this is my view. The amount of times that my mind was blown this trip cannot be counted on all my hands, feet, your hands, your feet, etc.

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

This top got another wear on this trip...

New Dress A Day - DIY - Patterned Tunic - Upcycled - Le Pirate Beach Club

...but I'll post that later on this week. It's styled a bit differently and if it's possible, I'm acting even more goofy in those pics!