Hi Marisa! I bought this $10 dress for a 40's party. I'm not a huge fan of red, but it works and it kind of reminded me of the dress from PS I Love You. Plus, it has pockets! Nothing like pockets!
Eventually I cut length off the bottom and saved that piece. I cut just around the elastic waist to turn this into a skirt. (I love a circle skirt!!) Then, instead of turning this into your run of the mill circle skirt, I decided that I could give it a high/low hem. I used the part I cut off the bottom to make a new waistband.
It came with a belt and I think it still works to wear it with or without the belt. All in all, I'm happy with how it turned out even though there were many changes along the way! :)
Heathyr, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! But, what a gorgeous way to reinvent this dress into a fabulous skirt that you'll wear on the regular. PS,the use of b/w to color in your before and after shots was genius.