vintage striped dress

Darci's NDAD Creation

When someone sends you a note on cat stationery, it becomes a treasured piece of mail! The lovely Darci in MI sent a remake my way that was striped perfection. Here's her note! New Dress A Day - Cat StationeryNew Dress A Day - Cat Stationery

My crafty sewing friend helped me recreate this dress into something that I'd actually wear.

New Dress A Day - Vintage Striped Dress

Time to see what Darci changed this striped apron-y/dress into...

Plus, a fun fact about the's MADE IN THE USA!!

New Dress A Day - Vintage Striped Dress

Striped fabulousness, Darci! I love the colors and the belt paired with it! Seasonal appropriate if you add a sweater on top and let the stripes peek out below. So many fun options! Thank you SO much for sharing - you look gorgeous!

Remake: Striped Quilted Panel Dress

This divine dress I snagged at Goodwill is getting some airplay!! New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I had to get this dress when I saw the amazing stripe business.  I love stripes and saw the potential immediately!  However that panel on the front was SO incredibly detailed.  Someone spent a LOT of time working on it.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I'm very certain that this will be able to jump the "not-so-much-in-public" look to chic status in no time!

I began by removing that front panel.  It's going away, however I will most definitely find a good home for it!

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I went around the entire front panel with my seam ripper...

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

...until the piece was completely removed!!

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

Next I worked on the length.  You can see a little black mark right to the left of the scissors (that was hidden by the panel) which I used as the spot where I wanted the dress to hit.  I cut...

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I pinned...

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I pressed...

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

...and then went onto the neckline.  I wanted to open it up, so I created an easy V shape.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I stitched the neckline as well as the hem...

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

...and had a dress ready to dance in!!  Those stripes are the new focal point!!

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

And just think...there was a huge panel on the front of this dress just a little while ago.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

For some fun options, I grabbed two different purses to try out.

First I took a thin, tasselled black purse from my collection to try out for a black and white look and then grabbed my Alexander McQueen-esque DIY purse that I made on the Ricki Lake Show for a poppy, red option.  (The clip from the show is all the way at the bottom of the post if you want to watch!)

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

They both worked perfectly with the heels - a pair of almost brand new Pour La Victoire's that I scored at Crossroads!

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I love that this piece is so basic.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

You can really have fun with the styling, bringing lots of color into it with bright jackets or sweaters or even give it more sparkle with a sequined cardigan.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

I can't wait to play around with this dress even more. This might be the one that gets a week's worth of looks created around it!  Stay tuned!

stripeddress on Make A Gif

Ricki Lake clip for your viewing pleasure...

Remake Teaser: Vintage Bathing Suit & Striped Quilted Dress

I'm in the process finishing up two super fun pieces - one will be up later today! I found this amazing bathing suit a little while back and have been wanting to work on it.  I mean, come on paisley!  Also, it's super warm in LA right now, so I'm taking advantage of what might be some of the last warm (80 degree) days of the year.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage bathing suit - Goodwill

And this one is a new favorite.

New Dress A Day - DIY - vintage dress - quilted front - Goodwill

The detail on the front of this dress is sick - it's like a little quilt!  You'll see more close up shots of this one in the full post.

Stay tuned!!