Halloween Location Looks: 30 of 31 – The Big Lebowski

My month of DIY costumes shot in front of the actual shooting locations continues!! Day 30 is here and it's on my list as one of my favorite Coen Brothers movies. Today’s costume comes from:

Big Lebowski - title card

There is nothing cooler than Jeff Bridges as The Dude.

Big Lebowski - The Dude

This opening scene is the best - he's in a Ralphs grocery store, wearing his iconic robe, drinking some milk. Like you do...

Big Lebowski - The Dude Costume DIY

I had to hit up a local Ralphs to recreate this fun scene.

The things you'll need for the perfect dude costume are...

Big Lebowski - The Dude Costume DIY

1. Robe (mine is from Overstock.com, but anything in the brown family works like a charm!)

2. Beard (this one is c/o Party City)

3. Sandals (I used a freebie pair I got on a flight, but love these $15 Okabashi sandals!)

4. Sunglasses (I'm wearing my prescription ones, but these work as a cheap option!)

Let's go to Ralphs!

I grabbed my robe and headed off to the grocery store!

Big Lebowski - The Dude Costume DIY

I grabbed that milk carton and brought out the Dude!

Big Lebowski - The Dude

Employees were restocking while I wore my robe in the dairy section. It's LA, there's crazy stuff everywhere, so nobody blinked an eye!

Big Lebowski - The Dude Costume DIY

I tried my best to recreate Jeff's incredible facial hair.

Big Lebowski - The Dude

Nothing like a fake beard to really feel like El Duderino.

Big Lebowski - The Dude Costume DIY

Thirty looks down, one to go!

Film Details:

The Big Lebowski (Polygram Filmed Entertainment., dir: The Coen Brothers)

Location: Ralphs Grocery Chain, Los Angeles, CA

Halloween Location Looks: 29 of 31 – Pretty Woman

My month of DIY costumes shot in front of the actual shooting locations continues!! Look 29 is here and it comes from one of my go-to, rom com, Julia Roberts favorites. Today’s costume comes from:

Pretty Woman poster

This movie always makes me happy. It always makes me want to take baths.

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress

Rodeo Drive and the Regent Beverly Wilshire both play crucial roles in the film!

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress

I mean "Reg. Bev. Wil" anyone??

Pretty Woman - Reg Bev Wil

It's right in my backyard, so a quick jaunt to Rodeo was totally going to happen.

I DIY'ed my dress from the film using a tank top, turquoise spandex fabric, and a shower curtain ring!

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress

1. Tank (Hanes are my fave!)

2. Fabric (I grabbed a 1/2 yard at Joanns)

3. Shower ring (I borrowed one from my shower - you can also snag them here!)

4. Blonde wig (this one is c/o Party City)

5. Black boots (Mine are thrifted but you can score a budge-friendly pair on Amazon)

Let's head to Beverly Hills!!!

I grabbed my dress and hit the streets!

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress - DIY

This dress was a pretty easy DIY...

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress

I layered some necklaces and bracelets to really get the Vivian look.

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress - DIY

I also love that Vivian was a total DIY-er. How about taking that Sharpie to her knee-high boots to cover the scuffs?

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress

Total genius.

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress - DIY

Unfortunately, I did not get a room at the Regent Beverly Wilshire...

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress

...nor enjoy strawberries while watching I Love Lucy.

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress - DIY

I also avoided getting "work it" called out to me :)

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts blue and white dress costume

Such a fun (and easy!!) DIY to pay homage to one of my faves.

Pretty Woman -Julia Roberts costume

Twenty-nine looks down, two to go!

Film Details:

Pretty Woman (Touchstone., dir: Garry Marshall)

Location: Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

Halloween Location Looks: 28 of 31 – Risky Business

My month of DIY costumes shot in front of the actual shooting locations continues!! Day 28 is here and I get to play out one of Tom Cruise's most iconic roles. Today’s costume comes from:

Risky Business - title card

One of my all time favorite Tom Cruise roles - I mean come on...

Risky Business - Tom Cruise dancing

Dancing in that white shirt to "Good Time Rock and Roll" - the best ever!!

The film shot mostly in Chicago, however there was additional material shot in LA and this house in Altadena was said to be where some of it was filmed...

Risky Business house

...so a trip had to be made.

To complete the Tom Cruise costume from Risky Business, here are the main elements you'll need:

Risky Business - Tom Cruise costume

(If you've got a rad brother, boyfriend, husband, pal, cousin, etc. who might have these pieces in their closet - borrow away!)

1. Shirt (Borrowed (I've got a pink shirt like this but in a much smaller size) but Amazon and Goodwill always has options!)

2. Boxers (Hanes. Target. Done.)

3. Sunglasses (I borrowed a pair of these Wayfarers to shoot, but love the cheap-o options that are used at weddings and Bar Mitzvahs here.)

4. Socks (Grabbed a pair from the stash!)

I put on my shirt, boxers, sunnies, and socks and started to play air guitar.

Risky Business shooting location

Because when you're Tom Cruise, you play air guitar.

Risky Business - Tom Cruise dancing

Then I pretended to sing "Old Time Rock and Roll".

Risky Business shooting location

Because when you're Tom Cruise, you pretend to sing "Old Time Rock and Roll".

Risky Business - Tom Cruise dancing

I kind of love this look, brown wig and all.

Risky Business shooting location

I think this could be a very fun party theme...

Risky Business - Tom Cruise dancing

These boxer briefs are SO comfortable. Dudes, you guys have it made!

Risky Business shooting location

Oh, and those sunnies...

Risky Business - Tom Cruise sunglasses

Tom, you're the poster boy for Wayfarers.

Risky Business - Tom Cruise costume

Twenty-eight looks down, three to go!

Film Details:

Risky Business (Geffen Company., dir: Paul Brickman )

Location: 1090 Rubio St., Altadena, CA